As the semester is about to end there are many valuable tips lessons I have realized are valuable to know. The most valuable lesson I learned was not to put off studying for an exam until the week of the exam. The first part of the semester I had more time to study during the week and it helped me to gain better knowledge of a concept. The first exam of the semester was the easiest for me to complete because I felt I knew the material better. I prepared myself better because I learned the material instead of trying to cram it in at the end by memorization. I tried to do the same throughout the semester but that was harder to do since softball started taking up more of my time and that was reflected on my tests as the scores kept going down a little.
The most challenging concept for me from class was to hold myself accountable and time management. Being a full time athlete as well as student adds on the stress that comes along with classes. There were many times during this first year that I thought I could hang out with my friends and do my work later. Putting off the work always turned out to hurt me. I’d have to stay up later to do it, which didn’t allow me to fully benefit from it because I was tired and just wanted to rest. This ultimately hurt me on a couple exams since I didn’t understand certain concepts because I didn’t always fully commit to the extra work I needed to put in.
My advice for future Chem II students is to put forth the extra effort to study or do practice problems. It can only help you. I didn’t always do that and it made the class more difficult. I’ll be sure to take my own advice for future courses and find the self-motivation needed to do so.